
Imagine a future where paper money is obsolete and in its place a single electronic credit standard remains and Free speech has been replaced, by great grandchild of the Internet—The Stream. The government's solution, created for the sole purpose of forming a perfect world is the implementation of the New Golden Rule: If you want to be a good citizen, you've got to be a good consumer. To keep society running everyone has to contribute. Being in debt is considered a felony in the eyes of the government. If you fall behind in your debts six months or more you can expect to get a mandatory three-year public service sentence, working off your debts at an inflated interest rate. In a perfect world, there is no room for mistakes. Melina (Sydnee Steele) is a beautiful, intelligent woman who has agreed to participate in a scientific experiment, her compensation for taking part, a clean credit record. The experiment seems simple enough, testing of a new sexual enhancement drug—U-4. At first, Melina is intrigued by the power U-4, for it causes her to engage in steamy sexual innuendos that under normal circumstances she wouldn't have dared try. As Melina falls deeper into the trip of U-4, more is revealed than she is ready to accept. The experiment was just a cover up disguising the real purpose of U-4, direct mind control of the masses. With the help of two revolutionaries, Melina sets out to save the human race before it's too late. Euphoria, it's a head trip you won't soon forget.
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Porno stars: Sydnee Steele, Devinn Lane, Inari Vachs, Asia Carrera, Bridgette Kerkove, Ava Vincent, Felecia, Jezebelle Bond, Nikita Denise, Shay Sweet, Charlene Aspen, Tanya Danielle, April, Lee Stone, Dillion Day, Mike Horner, Cheyne Collins, Billy Glide, Pat Myne, Evan Stone, Mark Davis, Erik Everhard, Nick Manning, Dale DaBone.
Genre: With Russian Translation , Featured

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