Couples Seeking Teens 9

Jessie Wants On the Team!
Pumping Riley's Bike! Lexi For Desert!
Good Morning Ashlynn! Nadia Knows The Cure!
Jessie is dying to join the soccer team, not so much to play ball, but to play with the married couple who coach the team. Ashlynn is sad because her boyfriend never showed up at the romantic bed and breakfast, but the owners are committed to ensuring her satisfaction. Rich fancy couples are always into lavish dinners with eccentric entertainment, and young Lexi knows just the perfect dessert. Nadia's father is a sex therapist and she loves spying on the sessions. When a sexually frustrated couple come in, Nadia decides to give them some extra therapy. When a frisky older couple accidentally run over Riley's bicycle, they feel so bad. Riley knows how they could make it up to her.

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